What you really need is substance to embrace humanity

There is a global pandemic. We are witnessing the signs of the times. Even though the majority of people believe the cure is medicine, that’s not the answer. We are hearing a lot of experts who are giving “solutions” to this virus, but actually those are not the solution. All of the biological experts are trying to explain what happened, but they can only make a judgment based on statistics. Unfortunately, there are some results that are not based on those statistics. When human beings get challenged by something that is not logical or is unknown, suddenly we become helpless and hopeless.

If you look at what people are really suffering from, it’s not really the disease. It is when people come together and suddenly become sober. Have you ever been locked down for 14 days with your family? Have you ever been locked down with your dad or spouse in a 100-square-foot room for 14 days? That will be the time when we all need to face our own reality and come to the truth of our lives. If one day you have the privilege to stay with your dad for 14 days, you better have the truth. That will probably become the most meaningful time of your life. You’ll never have another opportunity like that again.

Unfortunately, everyone today has been living under an unreal value. So when you are locked down with your father for 14 days, you suddenly discover your degree does not work. Suddenly your bank account doesn’t work. The car you’re driving doesn’t work either. Your romance, your success— it doesn’t work. Yet those things are all we have today as a modern human being. Nobody really helps us to face the bottom line of what it means to be human. We are strangers to ourselves. Our connections are superficial. When you come to a human challenge like this, do you know what to do? What is our relationship in humanity like?

If you don’t face this today, you will not survive in the end time scenario. People think that if they believe in the Lord, then they are invincible to the virus. But when I say you won’t survive, I don’t mean surviving the sickness. When I say you won’t survive in the end times, it means you will never get to the bottom line of human living. When you are locked down with your father for 14 days, what you really need is the bottom line of the relationship. You can never lecture your dad, you can only live what you believe. This is the only way we can survive. When everything goes wrong, beyond what any of us can do, what is left in us?

None of those plagues displayed to Pharaoh could convince him. Do you think we will be an exception? This is a good lesson. We need a true humanity to face this global pandemic—not a vaccine. Forget about the coronavirus—you need to be truly happy. You need to be a true human being. What you really need is substance to embrace humanity, to be able to enjoy, experience and own your humanity. Only a person who owns their humanity can obtain happiness.

Without humanity, how can you comprehend and interpret the surrounding events? You will always be ignorant and get confused. You will never be able to be deepened. You want to save your life in this global pandemic? You need to be in your spirit 24/7. I’m talking about our end-time salvation. Our family life has a crisis. Our relationships with friends have crises. Our work has crises. Our relationships with our siblings have crises. Don’t you think that’s a pandemic too?

This is an important era. We are fortunate enough to see this happening. Especially if you are a Bible reader, then you understand the Bible and the evidence of the global phenomenons. All these things serve a good purpose for the people who love God. Paul said in Romans 8:29, “that all things work together for good to those who love God.” My life is not for Pharaoh. I already went through the Passover. I want to gain the good land, my promised land. To have the promise fulfilled, humanity is the key.

(Above are notes of fellowship taken from a gathering 2/14/2020, not reviewed by the speaker.)


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