The Church

Below are a number of selected works that have nourished the saints of the church in Toledo as we have pursued the truth. As you begin, please start from the first article under each category and read through them in sequence. There are also additional materials available under the Literature section. This section is intended for readers to be equipped with the truth in regards to the church.

May you receive light from the Lord as you read. Amen. 

Messages for Building Up New Believers

God's Word says, "Not abandoning our own assembling together" (Heb. 10:25). Why should we not abandon the assembling together? Because God dispenses His grace to us through the assembling together.

The Glorious Church

In creation two persons were created: one was Adam and the other was Eve. Both were created human beings, but each typify something different. First Corinthians 15 says that Adam was a type of the Lord Jesus,

The Normal Christian Church Life

The church in Antioch is the model church shown us in God’s Word, because it was the first to come into being after the founding of the churches connected with the Jews and the Gentiles. In Acts 2 we see the church in connection with the Jews

The Economy of God

If I delay, I write that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and base of the truth. And confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness:

The Testimony and the Ground of the Church

The Lord’s words in Matthew 16 seem to be very simple, yet several things are very important. The most important is the Lord’s mention of the church. In speaking of the church, the Lord also brought up the building of the church.

The Testimony and the Ground of the Church

We have seen the original condition of the church and how the church became degraded. Now we need to see the recovery of the church. We must realize that the original condition of the church on earth did not last long.
Voice Chat