Our Savior desires a marriage

Gen. 11:9 Therefore its name was called Babel, because there Jehovah confounded the language of all the earth, and from there Jehovah scattered them over the surface of all the earth.
Rev. 18:2 And He cried with a strong voice, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great! And she has become a dwelling place of demons and a hold of every unclean spirit and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird;

Revelation 18 brings us to the ultimate understanding of the city of Babylon, showing us how Babel developed after 66 books. Babel refers to us being divided and scattered. This is the root word for Babylon. Interestingly, a wedding was introduced right after Babylon’s destiny was explained. Did you know our Savior desires a marriage? Not many see this. This is beyond most Christians’ understanding: our God carries an eternal desire to be married!

When we read Revelation 18, we need to keep in mind chapters 16 & 17. Jezebel has a city, just like God has a city. The world is changing at a fast pace in these end times, and we are in her power. How do we interpret the signs of the times that are now here? We should see a principle hiding in Genesis 11, when human government was produced from humankind’s degradation, seen through the building of the city of Babel. The purpose of the building is to be independent of God. At the root of human culture is the desire to declare mankind’s independence. From Genesis to Revelation, we see how the whole world can be united for that purpose of independence.

Yet from Genesis to Revelation, we also see another purpose: a universal marriage between divinity and humanity. When God created man, He had the intention for man to experience Him, even to own Him, to become the meaning of Him, to live Him, to manifest Him. The relationship is very tangible. But if we don’t have tangible experiences to our core, it is difficult to experience this relationship with God.

For this reason, the Lord has wisdom to give us a human living. In human life, the major thing is marriage. A marital relationship is related to divinity. Indeed Paul said marriage is divine — he’s referring to the nature of the marital relationship. When you touch the core of marriage, you touch God. If you take away marital relationships of human life, there is no human life. Human life cannot be multiplied if there is no marital life. All of humanity is surrounded by this very intricate design of marriage, like husband and wife, parent and child. If you look into the moment of humanity, like the moment you give birth, or you fall in love, there is a core, tangible sense in life that ties you to that person/experience.

Especially as a mother, when you give birth to your own child, you are tied to that child in your womb, just like a marital relationship— it is a life relationship, a co-dependence. It is the same with our Lord. He desires a deep, personal, and tangible life experience with us—He desires a marriage with us! The ultimate conclusion of the New Testament is that Divinity and Humanity become one mingled organism, enjoying a divine marriage life manifested in a glorious building and the city of New Jerusalem.

(Above are notes of fellowship taken from a gathering 10/4/2019, not reviewed by the speaker.)


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