Young Seekers

A Young Man in God’s Plan

Saul of Tarsus was a young man in God’s plan. He was a young man called by the Lord according to the Lord’s plan and for the Lord’s purpose. Acts 7:58 tells us that “the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man called Saul.” Then in Galatians 1:14 Paul tells us that he advanced in Judaism beyond many contemporaries in his race. Contemporaries refers to those of Saul’s own age.

Fellowship with the Young People

In this book we shall see a number of crucial matters related to the young people in the Lord’s recovery. In this chapter we shall see their need to flee youthful lusts and pursue Christ together. In the next chapter we shall consider the vision of the Lord’s recovery. Finally, in the last chapter we shall fellowship concerning four strategic points: the life experiences,

Treasuring the Teenage Years for the Lord

I would like to speak to the teenagers. The teenage years are from thirteen to nineteen. After twelve years old and before twenty, there are seven years in your teens. The teenage years are the golden years of a human being.

Men Who Turn the Age

Today we will consider the characteristics of the men who turn the age. In other words, we will consider the reasons those men who turn the age are used by God. We can see briefly from Samuel the kind of men God used to turn an age.

Men Who Turn the Age

We need to realize that many times God does things on earth to turn an age. When God works on earth, He does so age by age. The reason that God has many age-turning moves is that men used by Him in one age often become...
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