

The following is a booklet by Jessie Penn-Lewis, More Than Conquerors. The material in the addendum, "The Foundation of the Victorious Life," was excerpted from a book by Jessie Penn-Lewis, The Cross: The Touchstone of Faith, pp. 18-19.

Men Who Turn the Age

We need to realize that many times God does things on earth to turn an age. When God works on earth, He does so age by age. The reason that God has many age-turning moves is that men used by Him in one age often become...

The Experience of Life

Everyone who wants to engage in spiritual warfare must first know the Body. Nothing requires us to know the Body so urgently as spiritual warfare, because spiritual warfare is not an individual matter but a Body matter. No individual believer can fight with the enemy; it takes the whole Body. If we wish to learn spiritual warfare, we must first know the Body.

God-man Living

We provide a number of excerpts obtained from on our website. All such content is identified as such and is strictly intended for readers’ personal pursuing of the truth. If you would like to read...

A General Sketch of the New Testament in the Light of Christ and the...

The focus of these messages is a general sketch of the New Testament in the light of Christ and the church. Here we cannot deal with many details, but by the grace of the Lord, we will see the main points and the main line of the New Testament.
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