New Believers

Messages for Building Up New Believers

Baptism is a great subject in the Bible. We need to be clear about two aspects concerning baptism. First, before we are baptized, we need to be clear as to what baptism can do for us.

Messages for Building Up New Believers

The entire Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, but especially the New Testament, shows that God does not pay attention to what a person does before he believes in the Lord.

Messages for Building Up New Believers

Whether or not a person consecrates himself depends on whether he has a healthy salvation experience. If he views his faith in the Lord Jesus as being a favor to the Lord and his faith in God...

The Economy of God

Let us now go on to see the details of the vessel of the Lord. In the previous chapter we have seen that we were created purposely to be His containers, having God Himself as our content.

The Economy of God

God’s eternal plan, His economy, is revealed to us throughout the sixty-six books of the Scriptures. At the very beginning of the Scriptures, God is seen creating man as the center of the whole creation for the purpose of expressing Himself.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

First Corinthians 10:11 says, "Now these things happened to them as an example..." The Bible records the history of the Israelites as an example to us. It is for the purpose of our edification.

The Knowledge of Life

We have seen what life is and what the experience of life is. We have also seen the first experience of life, which is regeneration, and the various things that are gained through regeneration. Now that we have seen these, we can come to the matter of the sense of life.

The Experience of Life

DEALING WITH THE SELF: Now we come to see the matter of dealing with the self. This experience is very closely related to dealing with the flesh. This is an important experience in the stage of the cross.

The Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit

Sooner or later a servant of God discovers that he himself is the greatest frustration to his work. Sooner or later he finds that his outer man does not match his inner man.