A Condition of Simplicity

What touched me the most during our camping (churching) this time was that we can live a simple life. I have never done real camping before, so it was a new experience for me. We learned how to start a fire, how to cook a meal using basic utensils, how to set up a tent to sleep in, how to get water from a hand pump—but most of all, how to be still and joyful without doing anything. As so-called modern people, I do see we live a very busy and complicated life and we subconsciously take it as “normal.” It is difficult for us not to check our cell phone, go online to social media, or buy tools or other items that we strongly believe we need. We are often busy at work or home without any real productivity. What do we get out of this kind living? Nothing but a shallow and empty being, without depth and vitality. I feel this time our camping during the pandemic is a very special experience. On the one hand, we are facing a global pandemic and nothing looks hopeful outwardly; on the other hand, we as the church can camp together—can enjoy a simple life together with simplicity. I realize that we can live a life like this without too many unnecessary attachments. 

Also, it was a vivid scene to look at each camp site: we could see the “house to house” living right in front of our eyes. We could see how each family prepares, cooks, talks, and interacts with each other. And that is a reflection of our daily life in our own home. My own condition and way of living was exposed a few times during this trip while being with my family and I thank the Lord for all those specific instances of shining. How much we need to return to a simple being to enjoy simplicity in our life. What we need to live is really simple—we need a condition of simplicity to face the Lord and to face the saints. To me, our camping this time is another confirmation of our churching together: our churching is our living. Our living is our serving. Without a real living, there is no real churching. Lord, may you continue this awakening in each household.



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