The divine marriage

In the beginning of the Bible, our marriage with the Lord was ordained. That marriage is a covenantal relationship. Marriage carries an image and likeness. What is that image and likeness? That image and likeness is the expression of the marriage. The Lord put Himself into this oneness. It is an unbreakable, incorruptible oneness. It’s a divine gift—God crucified Himself for you to have that marriage, to have that relationship, that oneness, that organic living. It is for you to have an overcoming life so you can come out of your own self-introspection, your own satisfaction, your murmuring and reasoning and just say, “Lord, I don’t examine myself. Lord, you are my covering. You are my love. O Lord Jesus, cover my shame. I hide in You because I am Yours. I am not my own. I’m happy to be in You.”

(Above are notes of fellowship taken from a gathering on 5/15/2020, not reviewed by the speaker.)


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