I live for Christ appearing in you

These days you need to exercise yourself. Learn to give. Learn to care. Learn to love. And learn to serve. We are quarantined, but we are not isolated. Nothing can isolate us from the love of the Father. Who can discard us? We are in each other’s life. How can you discard me? You cannot discard me just like you cannot discard God. This is a mystery. I hope all of our interactions are in the divine, mystical realm — that is how we serve each other. Learn to conduct any activity in your spirit and in the sphere of the Body. The kingdom is already here in our midst. When the Body is prepared, then the Lord will come openly to possess us. The secret is when you are owned by Christ, that rapture is today. I don’t know what tomorrow will look like or how many days I have left on this earth. It doesn’t really matter. I live for you. I live for Christ appearing in you. This is the foundational value of our relationship with the saints, something we can never disregard, because Christ is appearing in them.

(Above are notes of fellowship taken from a gathering 4/5/2020, not reviewed by the speaker.)


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